onsdag 31. desember 2008
Happy New Year!!
And I have to say I'm ready for the new year *juhu*. That's because I've finally tidied up my scraproom that's been hanging over my shoulders since last summer *faint*. I have organized, thrown away (oh, yes!) and donated piles of scrap stash. And best of all, I've been scrapping on my own place again! Made 6 layouts the last couple of days, but I can ony show you this one.
I have lifted Amani over at Scrapping. It is a part of the Diva challenge for December, but I've used 4 pics instead of one, so I had to redo it. I'll show you the rest as soon as the challenge is over ;-)
Next year I'll scrap a lot more than I've done this year, and I shall tidy up after me :D

Happy new year everyone!!
lørdag 20. desember 2008
New blog and award
But finally I have two weeks off work. For those of you who doesn't know, I have changed job (again). I'm now back to teaching. Haven't done that since 2004, but I still got the hang of it :D
I've been quite busy, so I haven't been much around, but I have got an award from ruffa/Renee. Thank you for this nice award, and kind words Renee!

Things are happening around in Norwegian scrapblogs, and i like what I see!
The new blog Scrap the music in Norwegian is a new addition to the challengeblogs. And I loooove challenges *lol*
Check it out

søndag 23. november 2008
Altered mailbox

But last night I went over to my dear neighbor, Lene, (who had steadied!) , to scrap.
And I scrapped a mailbox! I'd never in my wildest dreams thought I was go ing to scrap a mailbox *lol*
But when they wanted to have a suggestion box at work, I didn't hesitate to voulantear to decorate it. Didn't t quite know how I would go on about it, but eventually it took form.
I am very happy with the result, and I hope they are at work, too. Fortunately, it will not hang outside, that would make it difficult.

torsdag 6. november 2008
Been to a barncrop!
I wasn't very productive, made ony 3 layouts, but I was jabbing a lot *lol*
Here is the one I made for the OLW at Scrappemania

Have to wait to show you the other two LO's (for a challenge off course :P)
fredag 17. oktober 2008
Home, but not quite landed
torsdag 9. oktober 2008
Paris here I come!!
Like now.. I'm on my way to Paris and the Paper&Co Show *excited!!*, but do you think I'm ready.. of course not. Just finished the stuff I have to bing to classes. Have to pack my clothes, but I had to post this LO for the challenge at Scrappemania {One Little Word}; Because.
So have to rush! Have an hour and 20 minutes, before I'm off to pick up Aase.
Take care... I'll be back *smile*

tirsdag 30. september 2008
I looove thickers - yes I do!!
So when Scrappehuset put up a challenge using AC thickers, it was no problem making a LO or two. Made this some time ago, but with so much going on, I almost forgot to post it. As you probably will notice, the layout with my "dog", is from the blue kit that Lene made for me. The one I've made for Scrappehuset I'll post later.

And oh.. oh.. Have to tell you that my layout "Lazy days of summer" was used in the newsletter from ScrapInStyle. It was picked as the Layout of the Week *juhu*. I'm so proud!
This is what they wrote:
Inspiring Art by our SIStv SISters
søndag 28. september 2008
Vintage Kit

The title is from Kid Rock's hit All Summer Long.
mandag 22. september 2008
Challenge #3 and#4

I love this picture of Ivar digging for potatoes. It was taken when we visited an open day at a farm nearby.
He digged digging! :lol: But he didn't want to take the potatoes out of the dirt, then he would have to get his hands dirty, so he left that job to his little sister. And she loved it! *faint*
Made it for challenge #3, we should use three different teqniques. Iused sewing, disstressing and tearing
fredag 19. september 2008
What I made of the "blue" kit
tirsdag 16. september 2008
torsdag 11. september 2008
I'm the proud winner

tirsdag 9. september 2008
Embellishment pins
If you're interested in any, I have some for sale. And also in different colors.
Just speak up!
About the kits... I'm longing to scrap with the stuff, it's just that my desk is really bombed, and I have to get organized before I can start some scrapping. I'm going to put a lot, and I mean A LOT up for sale at Scrapping.no, once I've taken pics of everything. Hopefully today.
lørdag 6. september 2008
Home made kits!

Ok, since I'm not a member of any kit club, my dear neighbor Lene made me a challenge, and put together two kits form my own stuff.
I'm not allowed to use anything else, just stuff from the kit. And use as much as possible!
She has given me two weeks. She extended the time, since I have to scrap 2 LO's to the {Scrappestafetten} the next week. I'm really looking forward to this challenge :D

torsdag 4. september 2008
onsdag 3. september 2008
Scrap and the City

So, I've done it again! I'm in a teamchallenge called {scrappestafetten} over at Scrapping.no
We are 5 on each team, and it's as many as 22 teams!!
We all have funny names like Happyscrappers, Flowerpower or Quick Girls. And we are Scrap in the City *:D*
I have faboulus team members; they are Xtine, kkk, Tropico and Mulan. And of course we are going for the big win!! *hehe*
The first challenge is out, and we have to use 5 shapes (harts, stars,triangel, square and circles), one each. It's really fun and exciting! And you get to know the people behind the nicks.
Here's one more LO from my crop last weekend. The pic is from my trip & crop to Scrap- a- ganza in Netherland. Thank you Ingeborg for the picture!
tirsdag 2. september 2008
Blog Candy at {Scrappehuset}
mandag 1. september 2008
Croppin' 24-7

tirsdag 26. august 2008
Lucky me!!

I'm so happy! Look what I got in the snail mail today. After joining the ManiaSummer challenge over at Scrappemania, I was so lucky to be one out of 10 to be drawn for a prize.
They are just lovely! And they are quite bigger than I thought.
I'm really looking forward to use them.
søndag 24. august 2008
"Snop" at Scrappemania

Scrappesnop. And who doesen't want to miss a chance to win all this yummi stuff?? Not me!
I have to say I'm very satisfied with this new Norwegian challengeblog *smile*
And they've also changed their header;
check it out;
Cool, eyh? I think so!
onsdag 20. august 2008
Summer school

The summer school at Minneriket has come to an end. It's been a lot nice of challenges to pick from. As many as 31 challenges during the summer, all with different techniques, colors or themes. The good thing about this challenge is that you could do as many challenges as you'd like or had time to do.
I did 8 layouts and 1 card. I would have liked to do more, but I haven't found the time. But I must say I'm satisfied with the ones I managed.
mandag 18. august 2008
Xtinas blog candy

This girl makes stunning layouts! No wonder Kristina is a DT member at both Scrappemania and Papir i hjertet.
You should really check out her blog, and at the same time you'll have the chance to win this gorgeous Blog candy.
søndag 17. august 2008
Box card
lørdag 16. august 2008
I love my dog!

Isn't my dog cute? I just love my dog *lol*
And she was so happy when she got this outfit on her 5th birthday. It really made her day.
She is waiting impatiently for a real dog. Her dad has promised that we'll get our own next year after summer vacation.
I can't count the number of dogs in her room, and they all make turns when she is getting to bed in the evening.
Made this for the summerschool at Minneriket. The challenge was to make a LO using 6x12 size.
torsdag 14. august 2008
I won! *yeay*

I won the 1st price over at Scrappemania whith my Creative with circles LO. And yesterday I got my price in the mail.
*wow* You can't believe all the magic mesh I got! Thank you, girls! I'll have trouble using all of it, but I'll give it a try *lol*
onsdag 13. august 2008
Wylde Woman Award

I got this award some days ago from Salte, and yesterday Linda gave me the same award. Thank you both. I really appreciate it.
1. You can give it to one or one hundred or any number inbetween - it's up to you. Make sure you link to their site in your post.
Girls that brigthen my day:
Lene - happy birthay wild woman!
Christine - love your bright colors
Kirsten - you make stunning cards
søndag 10. august 2008

First I thought it was the host having the problem, but I soon realized it was my computer that had a problem. I was afraid I had got virus, but after using a Spybot program, it managed to fix the problem. *puh*
So most likely I had got spyware. Due to this problem I haven't been able to check around other blogs, so if you missed me, you know why *lol*
Well, anyway. Here's the LO I made for Minneriket . One of the challenges at the Summer school was to use at least 3 different fonts. I've managed to use 5.
onsdag 6. august 2008
Scrappemania OLW
Didn't bother to make room on my desk, so it looks like hell in my scraproom (have to do something about that in the near future *ehem*)
I "flied" this layout for the challenge at Scrappemania; using the word "Idyll" with the summerschool at Minneriket; using chabby chic technique.
I'm very pleased with the result

tirsdag 5. august 2008
Just BE yourself
She is always making up faces and loves to be in the spotlight.
Here she's taking her sisters cap and sunglasses.

Creative with circles
lørdag 2. august 2008
How long was Adam in Paradise?
This has not been one of my best days. My mother called me at 6 am to tell me we had to come and get my son (he got a terrible earache the day before.. went to the doctor etc)
We're talking about an 8 hour drive-one way. So I made a deal with my DH and my mother that they would meet half way. My DH got so stressed, that on the way he manged to fill the tank with petrol instead of diesel *faint*. Had to call the car rescue and get towed to the nearest car workshop. It took ages and cost at fortune.
My son came home in tears because of the pain, and because he had to leave his grandmother. Not much fun being a mother then.

This LO of him is for the summerschool challenge over at Minneriket where we should use buttons.
Kirsten was so nice to give me this award. Thank you for those kind words, and I'm really looking forward to go to Paris with you!

The rules are as follows:
1. The winner can put the logo on his/her blog.
2. Link to the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the people you have nominated.
So here are my nominees:
- Ingveig for making the most delicious cards and LO's
- Vibeke for alwasys taking the time to leave a comment on blogs all around
- Lene for inspiring me, and being my mentor
- Linda for being such a brilliant blogger
- Marianne for taking such beautiful pictures
- Aase for getting things done
- And last but not least Hege for being my scrapping-soul mate!
onsdag 30. juli 2008

So now we have only the youngest at home until Sunday. What a luxury!! Only one child for 4 days *juhu*
So tomorrow I'm going to scrap. Just have to look around to see if I can find some challenges. So if you have come across any, please let me know ,-)

Here are some pics from last week..... we borrowed my brother-in-law's cabin at Storsand, Hurum, and had some friends staying from Steinkjer. The weather was great!
On Friday we went to Villa Malla; a restaurant with the most delicious food I've tasted in a long time. I do recomend a visit!
We also visited Tusenfryd and Sommerland in Bø.

mandag 28. juli 2008
Challenge at Scrappemania

fredag 18. juli 2008
Ania says...
But this time she has a challenge over at Minneriket called "Ania says...."
And this is what she said: Use 2 patterned paper, 1 carton, 2 stickers/stamps, 3D foam, 3 buttons or flowers and 4 ribbons.
I choose 1 sticker (eg. "glansbilde") and 1 stamp. Used patterned paper from LovElsie and KI memories.