Don't you just really hate that! Trying to upload pictures to one of these on line photo shops, but it takes forever... I've been trying for a couple of days now. Started with all the pictures from our holiday to Mallorca, but of course that didn't work*grr* So now I'm tying with less photos (about 70), and the estimated time said 5min, and that was 40min ago! *faint*
Oh, it makes me so angry. And I know that when it's finished, I still have plenty to upload.
Ok, I could have taken it to a shop, and I did try, but it would take 10days, which I don't have.
I need them before next Friday since I'm going to
Scrap-a-Ganza. Jippiyeay!!

Typically me to wait until last minute.
So while I'm waiting, here are some pics from our holiday

My first picture is still loading...
Can you believe that?? And it has been more than an hour since I started!
Oh.. can't tell you how mad I'm right now *grr*
*logging off*